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What People Say
"I realize 'joining' this [roadside find] club goes against all the advice you gave on the podcast. But you guys just make it seem so cool - kind of like smoking in high school."
North Carolina
“I listen while I am running and that is a tough test for a podcast - it has to be good to keep my attention while running up hills in the heat and humidity.”
North Carolina
"You have managed to fill up 10 to 12 minutes with almost no verified factual content, while keeping an air of possibly being partially long as you keep tangentially approaching truth, you've lived up to your claims."
"Listener #1"
“It is like sitting with old friends...great stuff. Hope you are having fun doing it, please keep it up.”
“I like what y'all are doing. It has become a Sunday morning ritual where I wake up before the chaos of my 3 boys and wife start. I sit in the quiet and listen to the latest from the TDSR team.”
North Carolina
"Thanks guys! I learned several things about car batteries I never knew! You also explained why a number of diesel engine trucks have the pipes that funnel the fumes out above the engine so 4wd trucks can pass through rivers and water beds. Cool, thanks."
East Africa
"I have no idea how I stumbled across this.....but guys....this is #$%* brilliant....I'll tell my friends about this.....cheers!"
"More than one episode has had me shaking my saying 'that don't sound right' or talking back to the radio with m take on a particular subject, so you guys are definitely successful in your endeavor."
South Carolina